To ensure free and open access for everyone to the various symbols below, their designs have been categorically placed, (or have always resided), in the public domain. Anyone may freely download, copy, share, post, publish, distribute, transform, adapt, alter, modify, manufacture, and make commercial use of the images so designated without any restrictions.
Perístanom Symbol is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Perístanom Symbol.
Perístanom Symbol: The primary graphic symbol for the Peristanist religion. A two-dimensional representation in isometric projection of the octisected sphere called Déiwom Gola [/ˈdɛɪwom ˈgɔla/] 🔊 (‘the sphere of the gods’). The image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.
Hypersphere Symbol is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Hypersphere Symbol.
Hypersphere Symbol: The secondary graphic symbol for the Peristanist religion. A two-dimensional representation in isometric projection of a hypersphere. It is similar to the Perístanom Symbol, but suggesting a fourth spatial dimension. The image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.
Superflower of Life Symbol is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Superflower of Life Symbol.
Superflower of Life Symbol: A two-dimensional representation in isometric projection of a sphere, suggesting its intersection with twelve other spheres. It is similar to the Flower of Life, but suggesting a third spatial dimension. The image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.
Deity Symbols
Personal Immanent Aspect
Impersonal Immanent Aspect
(The two other, transcendent aspects of the supreme goddess are not represented—nor adequately representable—by any mundane graphic symbols.)
Mark of the Androgyne is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Mark of the Androgyne.
Mark of the Androgyne: An identifying symbol, combining the astrological symbols for Venus, Mars, and Sagittarius, and prophesied within the denomination of Androgynean Perístanom to appear on the intersexual and multiethnic savior Wirocénos. The image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.